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Get Involved

NBUF is open to all those who accept the constitution, By-Laws, and Structure, Principles of Cooperation and Purpose. Active participation in NBUF shall consist of attending regularly scheduled meetings, serving on sections that get involved in the concrete day-to-day issues that affect our people, and payment of membership dues.

Why Join?

We believe that in order for Black people in America to become a free, liberated and independent people we must be organized. Therefore, we believe people should join an organization that is working in the interests of our people. We believe that the National Black United Front (NBUF) is such an organization and we urge you to join us. Although our condition in this country may be termed critical, it is not irreversible. We must remember that we are a great people with a culture and civilization which extends to antiquity. We must also realize that a raging river of struggle flows through our history in this country which has brought forth all of our victories against racism, political and economic oppression and cultural domination.


NBUF is an extension of this river that continues to fight for our people. You should consider joining NBUF because we believe that in these critical times there is a need for bold action and strong commitment to organize for power, Self-Determination and a higher quality of human life.

Don’t hesitate to join NBUF NOW!


Membership Dues are $100 Annually

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